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Room HSS 154

Basic Information

Room Type
Health & Social Services
Scheduled By
Academic Resources
Supported By
Academic Technology
Support Information
For more information about this room, contact Academic Technology at or via phone at (415)405-5555

Computer Ports & Adapters

In this room you can connect your computer via HDMI. A usb-c to HDMI adapter is provided in the room. Older computers without USB-C and without HDMI built-in can check out an adapter from Academic Technology in LIB 80.

If your computer has... Adapter for HDMI
HDMI — None —
USB-C — None —
Mini DisplayPort MiniDP to HDMI

Audio & Visual Equipment

A/V Equipment In Room? Notes
LCD Projector
HDMI A usb-c to HDMI adapter is provided in the room. Older computers without USB-C and without HDMI built-in can check out an adapter from Academic Technology in LIB 80.

Mic Microphone equipped rooms have in-room amplification
CourseStream If you would like to record your class, email and include your class name and section and the dates and times your class meets.
Doc Cam
Zoom Enabled

Video Tutorial


STEP 1: Press the ON button at the top left corner of the Pixie Pro panel

STEP 2: Panel will light up; ceiling projector will be on after 30-seconds. Fully wait for projector to warm up before proceeding.


This room is equipped with an in-ceiling microphone that provides amplification and audio to the Coursestream and Zoom equipment in the room. You can adjust the volume using the volume knob labelled Mic on the panel. Note that the ideal position for this volume control is 12 o'clock. If your students cannot hear you in the room, make sure the light next to the volume knob is green. If it is red, press the button to unmute.


STEP 1: At the top-middle of the Pixie Pro panel, press the source button labeled HDMI

STEP 2: Connect the HDMI (small trapezoid) cable to laptop (respective laptops may require adapters).

STEP 3: For audio volume, toggle the knob labeled MAIN on the left audio control panel.
The light next to the knob must be GREEN. If RED, press the button underneath. 

Mirroring your display

Mac: COMMAND  + F1 (COMMAND + dim brightness on macs with a touchbar)
Windows: WINDOWS SYMBOL + P, then select DUPLICATE


STEP 1: At the middle of the Pixie Pro panel, press the source button labeled BLU-RAY.

STEP 2: Inside the cabinet, turn on Blu-ray player. Insert media (Blu-ray or DVD discs) and press play. 

STEP 3: For audio volume, toggle the knob labeled MAIN on the left audio control panel.
The light next to the knob must be GREEN. If RED, press the button underneath. 

EXTRA STEP: To toggle within a Blu-ray/DVD disc menu, use the arrow keys on the right of the Pixie Pro panel: 


  1. At the middle of the Pixie Pro panel, press the source button labeled DOCUMENT CAMERA.
  2. Document camera is located on a sliding tray on the right side of the cabinet. Slide out the tray, swing open the camera arm, and press the power button. 
  3. Place desired item on the wooden surface to project onto the screen. 


There are two methods of using Zoom in this room. Use Presentation mode when you are broadcasting out to remote students and are not expecting student participation. Note that remote participants will be able to hear and see anything in the classroom in this mode, but will be unable to speak. Use Interactive mode when you are bringing in remote participants into your class. In both cases you will want to set up a Zoom meeting ahead of time on the Zoom website ( or within your Canvas course. You will need to know your Meeting ID and your Meeting passcode.

Presentation mode

  1. Set up the projector in the room with what you are displaying, either HDMI or Document Camera
  2. On the touch panel, tap + Join Meeting
  3. When prompted, type in your Meeting ID
  4. When prompted, type in your Meeting passcode
  5. If desired, tap the green Share content button on the touch panel, then select share to meeting to share the projector screen with your remote participants

Interactive mode

  1. On the Pixie panel, press Zoom
  2. On the touch panel, tap + Join Meeting
  3. When prompted, type in your Meeting ID
  4. When prompted, type in your Meeting passcode
  5. If desired, tap the green Share content button on the touch panel.
  6. On the computer or device you wish to share, open the Zoom app and select Share screen
  7. Use the Sharing key shown on the touch panel

Request Additional Help: 

M-Th 8am-8pm

F 8am-5pm

(415) 405-5555

LIB 80